West Virginia’s Promise-The Alliance for Youth is teaming up with America’s Promise and communities around West Virginia hold GradNation Dropout Prevention and College Readiness Summits. Each Community Summit will support a common goal of both organizations: ensure that young people are receiving the Five Promises, bring communities together to ensure students succeed and are prepared for their future.
Each Community Summit has been challenged to set an action plan for increasing the area’s high school graduation rate, and ensure that young people are better prepared for college, work and life.
No single person can combat West Virginia’s high school dropout crisis – it takes the committed support and cooperation of many individuals and agencies. We all pay the cost of the dropout crisis – financially, socially and civically, but we often expect the school system to solve it alone. Communities working together must be the driving force for ending the dropout crisis and ensuring that those who graduate are ready for college, work and life.
Communities Summits will cover counties in:
Boone, Cabell, Harrison, Jefferson, Kanawha, Putnam, Upshur, Wood and Wyoming